FREE UK Commercial Lease Extension Agreement

A free Commercial Lease Extension Agreement can be used in the United Kingdom when a landlord and tenant wish to extend the term of an existing lease.

Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.


This Commercial Lease Extension Agreement (“Agreement”) is made the [Date] by and between:

[Name of the Lessor], having his permanent residence at [Address] hereinafter referred as the “Lessor”;


[Name of the Lessee], having his permanent residence at [Address] hereinafter referred as the “Lessee”


A. The Lessor and the Lessee have entered into a Commercial Lease Agreement dated [Date] (the “Lease Agreement”).

B. As per the term of the said Lease Agreement, the Term is for a period of [Years], which expires on [Expiry Date], with a reveal right for another term subject to mutual agreement and consent of both the parties.

C. Hence by this Agreement, the parties wish to extend the Term in the said Lease Agreement.

2. It is agreed between both the parties that the said Lease Agreement shall be extended for a further period of [Years] years (“Additional Term”) with all the rights and obligation in favour of the Lessee as provided in the said Lease Agreement.

3. The Lease Rent in the Additional Term shall be as follows:

Rent for 1st Year: £ [Amount]

Rent for 2nd Year: £ [Amount]

Rent for 3rd Year: £ [Amount]

Lessee Lessor

_________________ ____________________

Date: Date:

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